
Web Development Training

Web Development Training Overview

At Finch and Vinca, our Web Development Training Program is crafted to take you from a complete beginner to a skilled, middle-level web developer. With a focus on practical, real-world skills covering the essentials of front-end and back-end development using technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL.

Key Features
Front-End Mastery

Learn how to design and develop responsive, user-friendly websites, covering everything from basic structure with HTML to dynamic styling with CSS and interactivity with JavaScript.

Back-End Expertise

Dive into server-side programming with PHP and manage databases with MySQL, equipping you to build full-stack web applications.

Project-Based Approach

You will apply your skills by building a fully functional web application, taking you through the complete development lifecycle.

Career-Focused Skills

Our program is designed to prepare you for web development roles, equipping you with the knowledge to handle real-world projects.

Join Finch and Vinca Online Web Development Training Programs to gain the expertise you need to excel in web development and enter the workforce confidently!

Web Development Training Program Structure

The Web Development Training Program designed in multiple sessions, will take learners from zero to a middle-level web developer with essential front-end and back-end skills using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL.

Introduction to Web Development

An overview of web technologies, including the difference between front-end and back-end development.

Basics of HTML

Learn the structure of an HTML document. Understand key HTML tags and create your first simple webpage.

HTML Text Elements

Explore how to work with headings, paragraphs, links, lists, and the difference between block and inline elements.

Multimedia Elements in HTML

Discover how to embed images, audio, and video into your web pages to create rich multimedia content.

HTML Forms

Understand the essentials of creating forms in HTML, using form controls like input fields, checkboxes, and dropdown menus.

HTML Tables

Learn how to build tables in HTML, using table tags and creating a structured data representation.

Semantic HTML

Discover the power of semantic HTML and how to use elements like <header>, <footer>, and <section> to structure content meaningfully.

HTML Best Practices

Master best practices in HTML coding, focusing on accessibility, readability, and proper semantic markup.

Introduction to CSS

Start styling your web pages by learning basic CSS syntax and how to link CSS to HTML. Understand selectors and properties.

CSS Colors and Fonts

Enhance your web design by learning how to work with colors, fonts, and text alignment.

The CSS Box Model

Understand the box model, including margins, padding, borders, and how these elements interact with your webpage layout.

CSS Layouts

Dive into CSS positioning, exploring static, relative, and absolute positioning, and the float and clear properties.

CSS Flexbox

Build flexible and responsive layouts using the Flexbox layout system. Learn key properties like flex-direction, justify-content, and align-items.

CSS Grid

Explore the powerful CSS Grid system, learning how to create grid layouts for more complex and organized page designs.

Responsive Web Design Basics

Learn how to create responsive designs that work across devices, using media queries and fluid grids.

CSS Transitions and Animations

Add motion and interactivity to your website by using CSS transitions and animations to enhance the user experience.

Introduction to JavaScript

Get started with JavaScript basics, including syntax, variables, and how to embed JavaScript into your HTML.

JavaScript Operators and Functions

Learn about different operators and how to write JavaScript functions, including the importance of parameters and return values.

JavaScript Conditionals and Loops

Explore control structures like if-else statements, switch cases, and loops (for, while) to manage logic in your scripts.

Working with Arrays in JavaScript

Understand arrays and their uses, exploring common methods and techniques for iterating through arrays.

Introduction to the DOM

Dive into the Document Object Model (DOM), learning how to select and manipulate HTML elements using JavaScript.

Event Handling in JavaScript

Discover how to attach event listeners to elements, enabling interaction like clicks, key presses, and form submissions.

Form Validation with JavaScript

Learn how to build simple client-side form validation to check for required fields, validate email formats, and more.

JavaScript Best Practices

Focus on writing clean, organized, and maintainable code. Explore debugging tools and common techniques for optimizing scripts.

Introduction to PHP

Start your journey into back-end development by learning PHP syntax, embedding PHP in HTML, and working with variables.

PHP Control Structures

Use PHP's if-else, elseif, and switch cases to manage the flow of your code based on logic.

Working with PHP Functions

Write reusable code by learning how to create and use functions in PHP, including passing parameters and returning values.

PHP Arrays and Loops

Master working with arrays in PHP, exploring how to loop through arrays and apply common array functions.

Working with Forms in PHP

Handle form data in PHP using GET and POST methods, and build basic form validation.

Introduction to PHP Sessions

Understand how to create and manage user sessions to store information across pages.

PHP Cookies

Learn about cookies in PHP and how they can be used to store user preferences or login information.

Error Handling in PHP

Discover how to handle errors effectively in PHP using try-catch blocks and other error-handling techniques.

Introduction to Databases

Understand the basics of databases and relational databases, focusing on MySQL as a database management system.

Basic SQL Queries

Learn how to interact with databases by writing SQL queries, including SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.

MySQL Database Design

Design relational databases with tables, primary keys, and foreign keys, focusing on normalization and efficient structure.

Connecting PHP to MySQL

Learn how to connect PHP to a MySQL database, run queries, and fetch data dynamically.

CRUD Operations with PHP and MySQL

Build basic Create, Read, Update, and Delete functionality with PHP and MySQL, essential for most web applications.

Displaying MySQL Data on a Web Page

Learn how to retrieve data from a MySQL database and display it on a web page using PHP.

Searching and Filtering Data

Implement search functionality in PHP to allow users to filter and search through data stored in the database.

Pagination in PHP

Build a pagination system for your website to manage large datasets and improve user experience.

Introduction to Web Security

Understand the importance of web security and common vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

Securing PHP Applications

Learn how to protect your PHP applications by preventing SQL injection, securing form inputs, and using prepared statements.

User Authentication

Build a simple user authentication system, allowing users to register and log in securely.

Password Hashing and User Sessions

Understand how to securely hash passwords and manage user sessions across a web application.

Project Planning

Learn how to plan and structure a web application project, including setting up a project timeline and feature list.

Building the Project - Front-End

Implement the front-end design using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring responsiveness and usability.

Building the Project - Back-End

Integrate PHP and MySQL to create dynamic content and manage the back-end functionality of the web application.

Project Testing and Deployment

Test your project for bugs and deploy it to a live server, preparing it for real-world use.

This Web Development Training Programs is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of front-end and back-end development, focusing on practical techniques and best practices. By the end of the program, participants will have the skills necessary to build and deploy fully functional web applications.